Introducing iinsight! A Great Case Management Reporting System

iinsight® is a HIPAA compliant cloud-based case management and reporting system, designed for all allied health service providers including OT, PT, ST, and  vocational rehabilitation consultants.

Built on feedback from industry professionals,this platforms streamlines day to day  administrative and compliance issues. The cloud case management software eliminates the need to manually manage and organize documents, spreadsheets, notes, case files, and other important information. iinsight® puts everything in one place, which can be accessed anytime and anywhere with a web-connected device. This gives users more flexibility to work anywhere.

Healthcare practitioners and vocational rehabilitation specialists in the USA can experience the benefits of using a reliable practice management platform.

FEATURES include:

  • Drag and drop document management
  • Auto document population
  • Fully integrates with Microsoft Office
  • Tracks and manages contractor costs and timesheets
  • Bulk custom invoices and emailing
  • Appointment scheduling with SMS notifications
  • System alerts and user reminders

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