Learn How To Unlock Your Workforce Growth Code: Recruit, Retain, & Remain HR Compliant

 Growth Code Conference  – Sponsored by Brandon Siegel – Starting July 10th – 13 weeks
1-2:30 PM EST
Human Resources Growth Group Curriculum

Week 1: What Is The Role HR Plays In A Small Business
·       All of the functions of HR relevant to small businesses
·       Who wears the HR roles if you don’t have HR
·       Most common mistakes being made related to HR

Week 2: Identifying Your People Strategy
·       Employees Vs. Independent Contractors
·       Part-Time Employees Vs. Per Diem Employees
·       Exempt Vs. Non Exempt
·       Difference Between Salaried Exempt Vs. Salaried Non Exempt
·       Creating The People Magnet

Week 3, 4, 5: Ensuring You Have Policies, Procedures, & Compliance
·       Identify The Role Of A Lawyer Vs. HR Consultant
·       The Insurance That All Businesses Need But Most Don’t Have
·       How To Write A Compliant Job Description
·       The Idiosyncrasies Within An Employee Handbook
·       Background Checks, Live Scans, Criminal Records, Drug Screenings,
What To Do If Something Comes Back Positive & How Often To Check
·       The Art Of Developing Policies & Procedures
·       How To Define Frequency Of Changing Your Policies & Procedures
·       Top 10 Most Common HR Compliance Violations In Private Practices
·       Understanding How To Set Up Labor Law Updates, Alerts, & Ensure
you are Adapting
Practice Based On Labor Law Legislature
·       The Role Of HIPAA Compliance With Employees
·       Secrets To Limiting Risk & Retaliation
·       Key Topics Within HR Such As Diversity & Inclusion In The Workplace
·       State Specific Questions On Labor Law Regulations
(Will Cover Most Common State  Labor Law Concerns)

Week 6, 7, & 8: How To Financial Model Your People Approach
·       How To Define Your Compensation Approach
·       How To Financially Model Your Compensation Structure
·       How To Develop A Bonus Structure
·       How To Develop A Benefits Package
·       How To Develop Career Ladders & Financial Impact
·       How To Evaluate Raise Requests
·       How To Create A Compensation Policy Regarding Raise Requests
·       How To Define Productivity Expectations

Week 9, 10: Strategies For Recruiting For Retention
·       How Do You Find Qualified Candidates During A Workforce Drought
·       What Are Tools That Provide An ROI In Your Candidate Sourcing
·       Strategies For Marketing To Your Ideal Employee
·       How Do Create A Recruitment Roadmap To Evaluation Of Talent & Fit
·       Defining Your Value Proposition To Potential Employees
·       How To Identify A Candidate’s Needs, Wants & Desires
·       How To Define Your Interview Process (Define Each Step)
·       How To Craft An Offer Letter & Ensuring Alignment

Week 11: Crafting An Onboarding Process That Streamlines Success
·       How To Set Up An Employee For Success In Their First 30 Days
Of Employment
·       How To Create An Employee Performance Expectation Plan
·       How To Create Functional Performance Reviews Not Tied To Money
·       Create A 3 Year Career Trajectory Plan For Each Role

Week 12/13: Overflow But Also Conflict Resolution
·       How To Handle:
Upset Employee
Employee Correction Cycles
Policy Violation
Firing An Employee With Cause
Laying Off An Employee
·       How To Be A Multi-State Employer
·       Best Practices In Managing Virtual Employees
·       How To Handle A Work-Comp Audit
·       How To Handle A Personal Injury On The Job
·       Q&A With Brandon & Scott
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