Occupational Therapy Private Practice Owners: The new Duke Occupational Therapy Doctorate (OTD) program invites new education partners to join its learning community

Teaching and collaboration are at the cornerstone of what we do as therapists. I am excited to be working with the OTD program to help introduce many of the exemplary private OT practices I know to the Duke OTD program.  We are at an inflection point on so many levels. Securing  OT fieldwork placements has become increasingly difficult, and the need to expose students to a greater variety of work environments to stay relevant is crucial. At the same time, post COVID changes in employment patterns has challenged many practice owners. Linking student  placements with potential workforce recruitment is a potential win win for all stakeholders, and I hope many of you will explore this opportunity.

If you are interested in sharing your expertise, showcasing your evidence-based practice skills, and training the next generation of occupational therapy entrepreneurs, please consider partnering with Duke as a fieldwork educator or doctoral capstone site.

Fieldwork education and capstone experiences provide direct and indirect services to support diverse individuals, populations, and communities through the application of meaningful occupations. The opportunities to become involved include:

  • Level I Fieldwork Applied Practice experiences. These experiences are full-time, one-week placements occurring four times a year;
  • Level II Fieldwork experiences. These experiences are full-time, 12-week, placements occurring two times a year;
  • Capstone experiences. Capstone students  partner with sites for 14 weeks  to develop new programs, conduct research, learn specialty practices, support entrepreneurial projects, conduct advocacy work, and more.If you are interested in developing a partnership with Duke OTD, please complete the interest form by clicking on the link below.




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