If you have an Ortho Practice anywhere within a one-hour radius of Columbia’s DPT Program (W 168 St.), consider helping out their first-year students – they are looking for opportunities to help the DPT students practice their history taking skills in authentic clinical environments.
They are looking for practices to host a student for a 3-hour block:
1. Either 1-4 PM, 2-5 PM, 3-6 PM or 4-7 PM on the following Fridays: 3/22,3/29,4/5,4/12, 4/19, 4/26
2. Either 3-6 PM or 4-7 PM on the following Wednesdays 3/20,3/27,4/3,4/10,4/17,4/24
Students can take a history on a new patient, or you might have current patients that would allow a student to retake their histories.
Please reach out to Jean Fitzpatrick (Timmerberg) at jt2634@cumc.columbia.edu if you are willing to help,
These first-year students could be your future employee….