Clinical equipment
They have an excellent selection of PT equipment including but not limited to a treadmill, recumbent bike, UBE, Horizontal leg press, Back extension, Adjustable Cable Column, Traction Unit, Hydrocollator, Hi-Lo Table, and treatment tables with adjustable back/face, none older than 8 years and all in excellent condition
Office equipment
Incudes file cabinets, coat racks, frig, phone, coffee maker. Washer/dryer, microwave, desk and treatment room chairs, anatomical charts, 3 in one fax/scanner/copier, table etc.
See link below for the full list including prices.
Pick up Details
The office is located in the Kingsbridge section of the Bronx. Everything must be picked up by the end of February – first week of March. Cash is preferred. It is a ground floor pick up with no steps and arrangements can be made Monday – Friday. You can call (347-564-7478) or email the owner with questions etc..