Focus on Pediatrics – A Supplement for Pediatric Therapists Going into Private Practice
This workbook, newly revised in 2021 is intended specifically for pediatric therapists who are starting a private practice. This is a 70 plus page supplement to the first general workbook, Starting a Professional Practice and focuses specifically on issues relevant to setting up a pediatric practice including information on early intervention, school based practice, billing for pediatrics and consult time, FERPA, family based practice and complementary service inclusion in the pediatric arena. See full table of contents and appendices below. Also included are 2 30 page handouts with updates on both ICD 10 and CPT codes.
Basics of Pediatric Practice 3-5
Treatment Settings 5
Federal Laws Impacting Pediatric Practice 5-6
Early Intervention 6-9
Collaboration with Family 10-11
The Inside Scoop on Home Based Treatment 12
Pre school, School age and Teens 13-15
Considerations in Setting up an Office 16-18
Office Forms………………………………………………………………………………………..18-19
Documentation 20-21
Billing and Reimbursement…………………………………………………………………22-23
State Mandates for Insurance Coverage for Autistic Children…………………………….24-25
Marketing in Pediatrics 26
Expanding Your Practice 27-28
Appendix A Sample Intake Form for Pediatrics……………………………………………..29.
Appendix B: Agreement and Waiver for participation in onsite classes………………30
Appendix C: Photo/video Consent ………………………………………………………………..31
Appendix D: Permission Slip- Designated Signer for Family……………………………….32
Appendix E: Sample Marketing Letters ……………………………………………………..33-34
Appendix F: ICD Codes – CPT Codes in Pediatrics………………………………………..35-39
Appendix G: Resources/Equipment/Supplies/Testing …………………………………..40
Appendix H: Equipment List including Estimated Start Up Costs…………………….41
Appendix I: Facts for Therapists in NY……………………………………………………..42-43|
Appendix J: FERPA …………………………………………………………………………….44-45
Appendix K: What Makes Running A Peds Practice So Different Than One for Adults