Replay Now Available – New Perspectives in Marketing YOUR Therapy Practices – Concrete Low Cost Actionable Ideas that WORK!
This webinar is for you if:
If you don’t know what inbound marketing is,
Or the difference between advertising and publicity,
If you do not utilize cause -related marketing,
Or are unaware of the FCC regulations on healthcare marketing,
If your past patients are not referring new patients to you,
If you don’t use data to tell and sell,
And your marketing letters and emails aren’t producing results,
Therapists in private practice need to make adjustments to their marketing campaigns because of the current economic climate, increased competition for health care dollars, and our fundamental shift from a health care referral system to a consumer choice system.
Presented are practical, concrete information on branding, taglines, use of data to tell and sell, how to write a marketing letter/email that brings results, best use of your website, Facebook page, press releases, how to stimulate WOM (word of mouth and word of mouse) and how to get everyone in your practice on board to create an integrated marketing plan. The unique characteristics of marketing in the medical service industry and how to establish a mixed marketing plan of advertising and publicity that educates and attracts new clients, and has a good return on investment will be explored with concrete low cost ways to implement.
Learning Objectives
1. Understand why marketing in the medical service industry is unique, and historically how it has changed in the last decade
2. What makes marketing in the service industry unique – The revolution in health care marketing – looking at award winning campaigns
3. Internal vs. interactive vs. external vs. inbound vs. cause related marketing
4. How best to use statistics and data to tell and sell
5. Learn how to adapt high price successful marketing campaigns in a low cost effective manner
6. Learn how to establish a mixed marketing plan of advertising and publicity that educates and attracts new clients and has a good return on investment
7. How to use marketing as your best defense to the threat of service substitution
8. Key Parts of Your Website to get right
9. How to write a simple but effective marketing letter
10. How to write Facebook posts that drives business to you practice
11. Taglines for reinventing yourself
12. FCC regulations to follow
Upon completion, you will be eligible to receive a certificate of participation for 2. 5 contact hours.About the Speaker: Iris Kimberg, MS PT OTR has presented this material to sold out audiences at the APTA conference and NYOTA conferences and taught Marketing and Entrepreneurship in Columbia’s DPT program for 12 years. She consults to practices big and small on all aspects of marketing, and how to make sure you get a good return on your investment.
Here’s some feedback from past attendees:
A.R from California- love the cluster map- good actionable ideas we could implement immediately
D.T from NYC- gave me good concrete suggestions on how to make direct access work for my practice
W.E from North Carolina- wow- I never understood the difference publicity and advertising/ service substitution versus direct competition – thanks for the info
R.M. from Connecticut- best 3 hours spent at home – listen, look and implement tomorrow – we already are brainstorming for a tagline
The Integrated Cluster Map Marketing Work Sheet is included as a handout.